Diffusion of a Solution of Nearly-Hard Spheres¶
How do I set up a simulation of of MD particles (solutes) in MPCD particles (solvent)?
Demonstrate how to add MPCD particles to an existing MD particle Frame or GSD file.
Show how to couple MD particles to MPCD particles through the CollisionMethod.
Boilerplate Code¶
import itertools
import freud
import gsd.hoomd
import hoomd
import matplotlib
import numpy
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib_inline
We would like to couple MD particles that interact as nearly-hard spheres to MPCD particles in order to introduce approximate hydrodynamic interactions between them. HOOMD simulations are often initialized from particles saved in GSD files. MPCD particles cannot currently be added to a GSD file, but you can still initialize an MPCD simulation from a GSD file in two steps. We will illustrate how to do that here!
Making initial configuration for MD particles¶
We will start by making a configuration of MD particles that we write to a GSD file (Tutorial: Initializing the System State). First, we place \(N = \rho V\) solute particles randomly on a lattice in a Frame
solute_mass = 5
solute_density = 0.2
mpcd_density = 5
L = 20
kT = 1.0
frame = gsd.hoomd.Frame()
rng = numpy.random.default_rng(seed=42)
frame.configuration.box = [L, L, L, 0, 0, 0]
frame.particles.N = numpy.round(solute_density * L**3).astype(int)
frame.particles.types = ["A"]
frame.particles.typeid = numpy.zeros(frame.particles.N, dtype=int)
solute_spacing = 1.2
cells = numpy.linspace(
-L / 2, L / 2, numpy.floor(L / solute_spacing).astype(int), endpoint=False
lattice = numpy.array(list(itertools.product(cells, repeat=3)))
chosen_lattice_sites = rng.choice(
a=lattice.shape[0], size=frame.particles.N, replace=False
frame.particles.position = numpy.take(lattice, chosen_lattice_sites, axis=0)
MD particles are usually heavier than the MPCD particles, and here we’re setting them to have mass equal to the mass of MPCD particles in a collision cell because they are roughly the same size.
frame.particles.mass = numpy.full(frame.particles.N, solute_mass)
We randomly draw velocities to be consistent with the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for \(k_{\rm B} T = 1\) and their mass, and we force them to have zero mean. We save this Frame
to a GSD file init.gsd
vel = rng.normal(
loc=0.0, scale=numpy.sqrt(1.0 / mpcd_density), size=(frame.particles.N, 3)
vel -= numpy.mean(vel, axis=0)
frame.particles.velocity = vel
with gsd.hoomd.open(name="init.gsd", mode="w") as f:
Adding MPCD particles¶
We will now add the MPCD particles using the Snapshot
interface. We create Snapshot
from the GSD file init.gsd
with gsd.hoomd.open("init.gsd") as traj:
snapshot = hoomd.Snapshot.from_gsd_frame(traj[0], hoomd.communicator.Communicator())
Then, we will add the MPCD particles to the box at a number density of \(\rho = 5\). This will be a bulk simulation, so the MPCD particles should fill the box volume V. Hence, the number of MPCD particles to add is \(N = \rho V\). We do this at random as in the pressure-driven flow tutorial, assuming an orthorhombic box.
box = hoomd.Box.from_box(snapshot.configuration.box)
rng = numpy.random.default_rng(seed=42)
snapshot.mpcd.types = ["A"]
snapshot.mpcd.N = numpy.round(mpcd_density * box.volume).astype(int)
snapshot.mpcd.position[:] = box.L * rng.uniform(
low=-0.5, high=0.5, size=(snapshot.mpcd.N, 3)
vel = rng.normal(loc=0.0, scale=numpy.sqrt(kT), size=(snapshot.mpcd.N, 3))
vel -= numpy.mean(vel, axis=0)
snapshot.mpcd.velocity[:] = vel
The Snapshot
is now fully initialized, so we can use it to create a Simulation
sim = hoomd.Simulation(device=hoomd.device.CPU(), seed=1)
Configuring the MPCD integrator¶
The MPCD Integrator
handles the integration of both the MPCD particles (via collision_method
and streaming_method
) and the MD particles (via methods
and forces
). The MD particles are always integrated every timestep, but the MPCD particles are only integrated on timesteps that are multiples of the periods for streaming and collision.
Hence, we first initialize the MPCD Integrator
using the timestep that we would normally use for an MD simulation because this timestep is shorter than the MPCD streaming and collision times.
integrator = hoomd.mpcd.Integrator(dt=0.005)
sim.operations.integrator = integrator
We will now perform the usual setup for an MD simulation, then configure an MPCD simulation using the SRD collision method.
MD integration method¶
We will define the interactions between MD particles as the repulsive Weeks-Chandler-Andersen (WCA) potential. These are attached to the integrator in the normal way.
cell = hoomd.md.nlist.Cell(buffer=0.4)
wca = hoomd.md.pair.LJ(nlist=cell)
wca.params[("A", "A")] = dict(epsilon=1, sigma=1)
wca.r_cut[("A", "A")] = 2 ** (1.0 / 6.0)
We will use a ConstantVolume
(NVE) integration method for the MD particles. This integration method is usually recommended for MD particles that are coupled to MPCD particles because the MPCD particles will act like a temperature bath.
nve = hoomd.md.methods.ConstantVolume(filter=hoomd.filter.All())
MPCD methods¶
We will now setup the SRD collision method for the MPCD particles using collision time \(\Delta t = 0.1\), collision angle \(\alpha = 130^\circ\), and a thermostat to maintain constant temperature, which is the same setup as we used in the pressure-driven flow tutorial.
The main difference for the collision method is that the period
is now longer because there are 20 MD timesteps per collision time. The solvent sorting period should be similar extended, and here we use every 20 collisions.
integrator.collision_method = hoomd.mpcd.collide.StochasticRotationDynamics(
period=20, angle=130, kT=1.0, embedded_particles=hoomd.filter.All()
integrator.mpcd_particle_sorter = hoomd.mpcd.tune.ParticleSorter(
trigger=integrator.collision_method.period * 20
Apply the Bulk
streaming method to propogate solvent particles with no confining geometry. Streaming is only performed every collision step because the particles move with constant velocity between collisions. Note that this means that the MD particles and MPCD particles will appear to be “out of sync” if a Snapshot
is taken at a timestep that is not a multiple of the streaming period.
integrator.streaming_method = hoomd.mpcd.stream.Bulk(
Run simulation¶
Now that the simulation is configured, we will we run a short simulation to write the MD particles trajectories to a GSD file. We will save the MD particles every 2000 steps.
gsd_writer = hoomd.write.GSD(
dynamic=["particles/position", "particles/image"],
This trajectory can be used to compute the mean squared displacement of the MD particles. First we read in the trajectory and unwrap the particle positions using freud.
with gsd.hoomd.open("monomers.gsd") as traj:
num_frames = len(traj)
N = traj[0].particles.N
positions = numpy.zeros((num_frames, N, 3), dtype=float)
for i, snap in enumerate(traj):
box = freud.box.Box.from_box(snap.configuration.box)
positions[i] = box.unwrap(snap.particles.position, snap.particles.image)
Now we calculate and plot the mean squared displacement using freud.
msd = freud.msd.MSD(box, mode="window")