Metropolis Monte Carlo
The hard particle Monte Carlo (HPMC) integrator HPMCIntegrator
equilibrium system states using the Metropolis Monte Carlo method. In this
method, HPMCIntegrator
takes the existing system state in the configuration
\(C = (\vec{r}_0, \vec{r}_1, \ldots \vec{r}_{N_\mathrm{particles}-1},
\mathbf{q}_0, \mathbf{q}_2, \ldots \mathbf{q}_{N_\mathrm{particles}-1})\) with
potential energy \(U\) and perturbs it to a trial configuration \(C^t\)
with potential energy \(U^t\) leading to an energy difference \(\Delta
U = U^t - U\). The trial move is accepted with the probability:
When the trial move is accepted, the system state is set to the the trial configuration. When it is not accepted, the move is rejected and the state is not modified.
(and the related \(\beta = \frac{1}{kT}\)) are used throughout
all HPMC operations. Set HPMCIntegrator.kT
to control the temperature in systems with
finite interactions (see Energy evaluation below). Use the default \(kT = 1\)
for systems of purely hard particles where \(\Delta U\) is either 0 or
Local trial moves
generates local trial moves for a single particle \(i\) at
a time. The move is either a translation move or a rotation move, selected
randomly with the probability of a translation move set by
The form of the trial move depends on the dimensionality of the system. Let \(u\) be a random value in the interval \([0,1]\), \(\vec{v}\) be a random vector uniformly distributed within the ball of radius 1, and \(\mathbf{w}\) be a random unit quaternion from the set of uniformly distributed rotations. Then the 3D trial move for particle \(i\) is:
where \(d_i\) is the translation move size for particle \(i\) (set by
particle type with HPMCIntegrator.d
) and \(a_i\) is the rotation move size
(set by particle type with HPMCIntegrator.a
In 2D boxes, let \(\vec{v}\) be a random vector uniformly distributed within the disk of radius 1 in the x,y plane and \(\alpha\) be a random angle in radians in the interval \([-a_i,a_i]\). Form a quaternion that rotates about the z axis by \(\alpha\): \(\mathbf{w} = (\cos(\alpha/2), 0, 0, \sin(\alpha/2))\). The 2D trial move for particle \(i\) is:
For non-orientable spheres, \(p_\mathrm{translation} = 1\).
In the serial CPU implementation, HPMCIntegrator
performs nselect
trial moves per particle in each timestep (which
defaults to 4). To achieve detailed balance at the level of a timestep,
randomly chooses with equal probability to loop through
particles in forward index or reverse index order (random selection severely
degrades performance due to cache incoherency). In the GPU and MPI
implementations, trial moves are performed in parallel for particles in active
domains while leaving particles on the border fixed (see Anderson 2016 for a full description). As a
consequence, a single timestep may perform more or less than nselect
moves per particle when using the parallel code paths. Monitor the number of
trial moves performed with HPMCIntegrator.translate_moves
Random numbers
uses a pseudorandom number stream to generate the trial moves.
Set the seed using hoomd.Simulation.seed
. Given the same seed, the same
initial configuration, and the same execution configuration (device and MPI
configuration), HPMCIntegrator
, will produce exactly the same trajectory.
Due to limited floating point precision, full trajectory reproducibility is only possible with the same binary installation running on the same hardware device. Compiler optimizations, changes to the HOOMD source code, and machine specific code paths may lead to different trajectories.
Energy evaluation
evaluates the energy of a configuration from a number of terms:
To enable simulations of small systems, the pair and shape energies evaluate interactions between pairs of particles in multiple box images:
where \(\vec{A} = h\vec{a}_1 + k\vec{a}_2 + l\vec{a}_3\) is a vector that
translates by periodic box images and the set of box images includes all image
vectors necessary to find interactions between particles in the primary image
with particles in periodic images The first sum evaluates interactions between
particle \(i\) with other particles (not itself) in the primary box image.
The second sum evaluates interactions between particle \(i\) and all
potentially interacting periodic images of all particles (including itself).
computes \(U_{\mathrm{shape}}\) similarly (see below).
External potentials apply to each particle individually:
Potential classes in hoomd.hpmc.pair
\(U_{\mathrm{pair},ij}\). HPMC sums all the Pair
potentials in pair_potentials
Similarly, potential classes in hoomd.hpmc.external
\(U_{\mathrm{external},i}\). Add instances of these classes to
to apply during
Shape overlap tests
performs shape overlap tests to evaluate
\(U_{\mathrm{shape}}\). Let \(S\) be the set of all points inside the
shape in the local coordinate system of the shape:
See the subclasses of HPMCIntegrator
for formal definitions of the shapes,
whose parameters are set by particle type. Let \(S_i\) refer specifically
to the shape for particle \(i\).
The quaternion \(\mathbf{q}\) represents a rotation of the shape from its local coordinate system to the given orientation:
The full transformation from the local shape coordinate system to the simulation box coordinate system includes a rotation and translation:
defines the shape overlap test for two shapes:
To check for overlaps between two particles in the box, rotating both shapes from their local frame to the box frame, and translate \(S_2\) relative to particle 1:
The complete hard shape interaction energy for a given configuration is:
where the square brackets denote the Iverson bracket.
While this notation is written in as sums over all particles
uses spatial data structures to evaluate these calculations
efficiently. Similarly, while the overlap test is notated as a set
intersection, HPMCIntegrator
employs efficient computational geometry
algorithms to determine whether there is or is not an overlap.