Pressure-Driven Flow Between Parallel Plates



  • What is multiparticle collision dynamics (MPCD)?

  • How do I set up a pressure-driven flow simulation using MPCD?


  • Demonstrate how to initialize MPCD particles using a Snapshot.

  • Explain how to configure the MPCD Integrator with a StreamingMethod and CollisionMethod.

  • Show how to include a confining Geometry in both the streaming and collision steps.

  • Show how to apply a BodyForce to MPCD particles.

  • Demonstrate how to run a simulation and gather data.

Boilerplate code

import hoomd
import matplotlib
import numpy

%matplotlib inline"ggplot")
import matplotlib_inline



MPCD particles are currently initialized using a Snapshot. We will place the particles between two parallel plates. The parallel plates have a surface normal in the y direction, and we have chosen the separation distance between them as \(2 H = 20\). The plates are infinite in the x and z directions, so periodic boundaries will be used in these directions. We choose the extent in the periodic directions to be \(L = 25\).

The simulation box needs padded in the y direction to account for the collision cells wrapping through the y periodic boundary. A padding of 4 cells (2 each direction) should be sufficient.

H = 10
L = 25
padding = 4
snapshot = hoomd.Snapshot() = [L, 2 * H + padding, L, 0, 0, 0]

The MPCD particle positions will be randomly drawn between the parallel plates at a target number density \(\rho = 5\). All particles will use the default typeid (0), which we will call “A”, and default mass (1). The number of particles N can be computed using the density, \(N = \rho V\) where \(V = 2 H L^2\) is the volume between the parallel plates.

density = 5
rng = numpy.random.default_rng(seed=42)

snapshot.mpcd.types = ["A"]
snapshot.mpcd.N = int(density * (2 * H) * L**2)
snapshot.mpcd.position[:] = [0.5 * L, H, 0.5 * L] * rng.uniform(
    low=-1, high=1, size=(snapshot.mpcd.N, 3)

The particle velocities also need to be initialized for the thermostat to work properly with the stochastic rotation dynamics (SRD) collision rule (see below). We randomly draw them to be consistent with the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for \(k_{\rm B} T = 1\) and unit mass, and we force them to have zero mean.

kT = 1
velocity = rng.normal(0.0, numpy.sqrt(kT), (snapshot.mpcd.N, 3))
velocity -= numpy.mean(velocity, axis=0)
snapshot.mpcd.velocity[:] = velocity

The Snapshot is now fully initialized, so we can use it to create a Simulation. Note that this works even though there are no regular HOOMD particles in the snapshot.

simulation = hoomd.Simulation(device=hoomd.device.CPU(), seed=1)

Configuring the MPCD integrator

The motion of the MPCD particles is governed by alternating streaming and collision steps. During the streaming step, the particles move according to Newton’s equations of motion. During the collision step, the particles are assigned to a “collision” cell and stochastically exchange momentum with each other in a cell. The time between collisions is called the collision time. These equations of motion are implemented by the MPCD Integrator. The amount of time covered by a streaming step or the time between collisions is a multiple of the timestep of this integrator. Refer to the Integrator documentation for more information about when and the order specific steps of the algorithm trigger.

Here we will use a timestep of \(\Delta t = 0.1\), which will correspond to our collision time (see below).

integrator = hoomd.mpcd.Integrator(dt=0.1)

We will use the SRD collision rule with collision time \(\Delta t = 0.1\), collision angle \(\alpha = 130^\circ\), and a thermostat to maintain constant temperature. We attach an SRD collision method to the Integrator and have a collision occur every timestep.

integrator.collision_method = hoomd.mpcd.collide.StochasticRotationDynamics(
    period=1, angle=130, kT=kT

Next, we setup the streaming method. The streaming method will use bounce back integration between parallel plates, which is defined by a geometry.

plates = hoomd.mpcd.geometry.ParallelPlates(separation=2 * H, speed=0.0, no_slip=True)

The streaming method will also apply a constant force \(f_x\) in the \(x\) direction to create a flow. For pressure-driven flow between parallel plates, the expected velocity field has the parabolic form

\[v_x(y) = \frac{\rho f_x H^2}{2 \mu}\left[1 - \left(\frac{y}{H}\right)^2 \right]\]

where \(\mu = 3.96\) is the dynamic viscosity of the MPCD solvent for the chosen parameters. We will use a force \(f_x = 0.004\) to give a theoretically predicted maximum velocity of 0.25.

fx = 0.004
body_force = hoomd.mpcd.force.ConstantForce(force=(fx, 0, 0))

We combine all these together to make the streaming method. We stream and collide with the same period because a constant force is easily integrated using the velocity Verlet method, and better performance is usually achieved when fewer streaming steps are needed.

integrator.streaming_method =
    period=1, geometry=plates, mpcd_particle_force=body_force

A virtual particle filler is also needed to ensure the collision method functions correctly with the bounce-back geometry. We can attach one to the integrator using the same plates geometry we defined above.

filler = hoomd.mpcd.fill.GeometryFiller(
    type="A", density=density, kT=kT, geometry=plates

The performance of MPCD simulations benefits from periodically sorting the particles into cell order. It is recommended to attach a tuner to the integrator to do this. The optimal number of collision steps between sorting varies based on the simulation and your computing hardware, but typically tens of collisions works well.

integrator.mpcd_particle_sorter = hoomd.mpcd.tune.ParticleSorter(trigger=20)

Last, don’t forget to attach the integrator to the simulation operations!

simulation.operations.integrator = integrator

Run simulation

Now that the simulation is configured, we will first run a warmup period to allow the system to come to steady state.


After reaching steady state, we can measure \(v_x(y)\) using histogramming. We use bin spacing 0.1.

bin_size = 0.2
num_bins = int(2 * H / bin_size)
bin_edges = numpy.linspace(-H, H, num_bins + 1)
bin_centers = 0.5 * (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:])

num_samples = 0
counts = numpy.zeros(num_bins, dtype=int)
total_velocity = numpy.zeros(num_bins, dtype=float)

Then, we run the simulation long enough to get enough independent samples with good statistics.

for _ in range(500):

    # take a snapshot of the system
    snap = simulation.state.get_snapshot()
    y = snap.mpcd.position[:, 1]
    v_x = snap.mpcd.velocity[:, 0]

    # bin x-velocity using the y-position, and accumulate histograms
    y_bins = numpy.digitize(y, bin_edges) - 1
    counts += numpy.bincount(y_bins, minlength=num_bins)
    total_velocity += numpy.bincount(y_bins, weights=v_x, minlength=num_bins)
    num_samples += 1

average_velocity = numpy.zeros(num_bins, dtype=float)
numpy.divide(total_velocity, counts, out=average_velocity, where=(counts > 0));

Now, we plot our results for the average velocity profile and compare it to the theoretical expectation. We see that the agreement is generally good, but there is a small amount of slip near the walls. This is typical of MPCD simulations.

fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure(figsize=(5, 3.09))
ax = fig.add_subplot()

ax.plot(bin_centers, average_velocity, label="simulated")

viscosity = 3.96
vx_theory = ((density * fx * H**2) / (2 * viscosity)) * (1 - (bin_centers / H) ** 2)
ax.plot(bin_centers, vx_theory, ls="--", label="expected")

ax.set_xlim([-H, H])
ax.set_ylim([0.0, 0.3])