
Particle filters describe criteria to select subsets of particles in the system for use by various operations throughout HOOMD. To maintain high performance, filters are not re-evaluated on every use. Instead, each unique particular filter (defined by the class name and hash) is mapped to a group, an internally maintained list of the selected particles. Subsequent uses of the same particle filter specification (in the same hoomd.Simulation) will resolve to the same group and the originally selected particles, even if the state of the system has changed.

Groups are not completely static. HOOMD-blue automatically re-evaluates the filter specifications and updates the group membership whenever the number of particles in the simulation changes. Use hoomd.update.FilterUpdater to manually trigger updates to group membership.

For molecular dynamics simulations, each group maintains a count of the number of degrees of freedom given to the group by integration methods. This count is used by and the integration methods themselves to compute the kinetic temperature. See hoomd.State.update_group_dof for details on when HOOMD-blue updates this count.


An object that acts like a particle filter.

Either a subclass of ParticleFilter or CustomFilter.

alias of ParticleFilter | CustomFilter
