
class hoomd.tune.SecantSolver(gamma=0.9, tol=1e-05)

Bases: RootSolver

Solves equations of f(x) = y using the secant method.

The solver updates x each step via,

\[x_n = x - \gamma \cdot (y - t) \cdot \frac{x - x_{o}}{y - y_{old}}\]

where \(o\) represent the old values, \(n\) the new, and \(t\) the target. Due to the need for a previous value, then first time this is called it makes a slight jump higher or lower to start the method.

The solver will stop updating when \(\lvert y - t \rvert \le tol\).

  • gamma (float, optional) – real number between 0 and 1 used to dampen the rate of change in x. gamma scales the corrections to x each iteration. Larger values of gamma lead to larger changes while a gamma of 0 leads to no change in x at all.

  • tol (float, optional) – The absolute tolerance for convergence of y, defaults to 1e-5.


Tempering the solver with a smaller than 1 gamma value is crucial for numeric stability. If instability is found, then lowering gamma accordingly should help.


Test for equality.


Reset all solving internals.


Solve one step.