An MPCD streaming method is required to update the particle positions over time.
It is meant to be used in conjunction with an mpcd.Integrator
. Particle positions are propagated
ballistically according to Newton’s equations using a velocity-Verlet scheme for
a time \(\Delta t\):
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\mathbf{v}(t + \Delta t/2) &= \mathbf{v}(t) + (\mathbf{f}/m)(\Delta t / 2)\\\mathbf{r}(t+\Delta t) &= \mathbf{r}(t) + \mathbf{v}(t+\Delta t/2) \Delta t\\\mathbf{v}(t + \Delta t) &= \mathbf{v}(t + \Delta t/2) +
(\mathbf{f}/m)(\Delta t / 2)\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
where r and v are the particle position and velocity, respectively, and
f is the external force acting on the particles of mass m. For a list of
forces that can be applied, see mpcd.force