Simulating a System of Patchy Particles¶
How do I implement pairwise energetic interactions in HPMC?
Run a simulation of particles interacting through the Kern–Frenkel pair potential.
Log the potential energy during an HPMC simulation.
Boilerplate Code¶
import itertools
import math
import gsd.hoomd
import hoomd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib_inline
import numpy
%matplotlib inline"ggplot")
In the previous section, you learned about patchy particles and the Kern–Frenkel model. In this section, you will initialize a system of particles, add the Kern–Frenkel pair potential to the simulation, and run the simulation while logging the energy.
Constructing the System¶
Construct the system using the same code you used in Introducing HOOMD-blue tutorial and then initialize a simulation.
m = 4
N_particles = 2 * m**3
spacing = 1.2
K = math.ceil(N_particles ** (1 / 3))
L = K * spacing
x = numpy.linspace(-L / 2, L / 2, K, endpoint=False)
position = list(itertools.product(x, repeat=3))
position = position[0:N_particles]
orientation = [(1, 0, 0, 0)] * N_particles
# gsd snapshot
snapshot = gsd.hoomd.Frame()
snapshot.particles.N = N_particles
snapshot.particles.position = position
snapshot.particles.orientation = orientation
snapshot.particles.typeid = [0] * N_particles
snapshot.particles.types = ["A"] = [L, L, L, 0, 0, 0]
with"initial.gsd", mode="x") as f:
# build simulation
cpu = hoomd.device.CPU()
simulation = hoomd.Simulation(device=cpu, seed=0)
Define Interaction Parameters¶
Define the parameters \(\delta\), \(\varepsilon\), \(\lambda\), and \(\sigma\) of the Kern–Frenkel model. Start the simulation at a high temperature kT = 3.0
delta = math.pi / 4
epsilon = 1.0
lambda_ = 1.2
sigma = 1.0
kT = 3.0
Add HPMC Integrator¶
Use the Sphere
HPMC integrator to implement the hard core portion of the Kern-Frenkel interaction potential. Also pass the temperature kT
to the integrator. HPMC does not apply rotation moves to spheres by default. Set the orientable
key to True
so that HPMC will rotate the particles.
mc = hoomd.hpmc.integrate.Sphere(kT=kT)
mc.shape["A"] = dict(diameter=sigma, orientable=True)
simulation.operations.integrator = mc
Add the Pair Potential¶
HOOMD-blue represents the Kern-Frenkel potential as a product of an isotropic potential and an orientation dependent mask. The isotropic potential depends only on distance and the orientation dependent mask depends only on the relative position and orientation.
Step Potential¶
Represent the isotropic part of the Kern-Frenkel potential with a Step potential:
step = hoomd.hpmc.pair.Step()
step.params[("A", "A")] = dict(epsilon=[-epsilon], r=[lambda_ * sigma])
Step can represent any step-wise function of r. The parameters above set the \(-\varepsilon\) attractive energy when \(r_{ij} < \lambda_{ij}\sigma_{ij}\) and 0 energy when \(r_{ij} \geq \lambda_{ij}\sigma_{ij}\).
Angular Step Potential¶
Mask the isotropic step potential with an angular dependent factor computed by AngularStep:
angular_step = hoomd.hpmc.pair.AngularStep(isotropic_potential=step)
angular_step.mask["A"] = dict(directors=[(1.0, 0, 0)], deltas=[delta])
A director is a unit vector pointing to the position of the patch in the particle’s local coordinates. \(\vec{e}_i\) in the previous section is the director rotated into the system’s coordinate system. AngularStep can evaluate potentials that have multiple patches with different sizes. This section adds one patch to implement the Kern-Frenkel potential.
Evaluating the Patchy Potential when Integrating¶
The HPMC integrator will evaluate all pair potentials in its pair_potentials
attribute when making trial moves. Add angular_step
to this list:
mc.pair_potentials = [angular_step]
You can query the energy associated with the patch potential via the energy
property of the angular step object (after running for 0 or more steps). The particles are not interacting in the initial configuration, so the initial value of the energy is zero.
Log the Patch Energy¶
Use a Logger
to write the total system potential energy to a GSD
logger = hoomd.logging.Logger()
gsd_writer = hoomd.write.GSD(
Run the Simulation¶
Randomize the System¶
The initial temperature kT
is large enough that bonds between particles are likely to break. Run the simulation to randomize the particle degrees of freedom:
Decrease the temperature¶
Decrease the temperature and run the simulation longer. The particles will form clusters:
mc.kT = 0.1
Increase the temperature and the clusters will break apart.
mc.kT = 3.0
As discussed in the Logging tutorial, flush the write buffer (this is not necessary in typical workflows).
Analyzing the Results¶
Use the gsd
package to read the logged values:
data = gsd.hoomd.read_log("log.gsd")
step = data["configuration/step"]
potential_energy = data["log/hpmc/integrate/Sphere/pair_energy"]
Plot the energy as a function of timestep:
fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure(figsize=(5, 3.09))
ax = fig.add_subplot()
ax.plot(step, potential_energy, c="C0")
ax.set_ylabel("potential energy", c="C0")
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot([0, 500, 501, 2500, 2501, 4500], [3.0, 3.0, 0.1, 0.1, 3.0, 3.0], c="C1")
ylabel = ax2.set_ylabel("kT", c="C1")
The decrease in energy when kT
is set to 0.1 indicates particle clustering.
In this tutorial, you learned about patchy particles and the Kern–Frenkel model of patchy particles and implemented the Kern–Frenkel model in HPMC.
For more information on simulating patchy particles, or more generally HPMC simulations with energetic interactions, see the HOOMD-blue documentation on pair potentials in HPMC.