The following people have contributed to HOOMD-blue:
Aaron Keys, University of Michigan
Adrien Chen, University of Florida
Alain Kadar, University of Michigan
Alex Travesset, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
Alex Yang, Vanderbilt University
Alexander Hudson
Allen LaCour, University of Michigan
Alyssa Travitz, University of Michigan
Andrew Schultz, University at Buffalo
Andrew Mark, Max Planck Institute
Andrey Kazennov, Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS
Antonia Statt, University of Illinois
Antonio Osorio, University of Michigan
Avisek Das, University of Michigan
Axel Kohlmeyer, Temple University
Ben Levine, Temple University
Ben Swerdlow, University of Michgan
Benjamin Schultz, University of Michgan
Bjørnar Jensen, University of Bergen
Bradley Dice, University of Michigan
Brandon Butler, University of Michigan
Brandon Denis Smith, University of Michigan
Bryan VanSaders, University of Michgan
Carl Simon Adorf, University of Michigan
Carolyn Phillips, University of Michigan
Charlie Slominski, Caltech
Chengyu Dai, University of Michigan
Chris Jones, Boise State University
Christoph Junghans
Christoph Klein, Vanderbilt University
Chrisy Du, University of Michigan
Cong Qiao, Brandeis University
Corwin Kerr, University of Michigan
Charlotte Zhao, University of Michigan
Calvin Pozderac, Ohio State University
Dan Evans, University of Michigan
David LeBard, Temple University
Elizabeth R Chen, University of Michigan
Eric Harper, University of Michigan
Eric Irrgang, University of Michigan
Eric Jankowski, Boise State University
Erin Teich, University of Michigan
Fengyi Gao, University of Michigan
Gabrielle Jones, University of Michigan
Geert Kapteijns, University of Amsterdam
Greg van Anders, University of Michigan
Grey Garrett, University of Michigan
Ian Graham, University of Pennsylvania
Ignacio Blanco Varela, University of Michigan
Igor Morozov, Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS
Isaac Bruss, University of Michigan
Jakin B. Delony, University of South Florida
James Antonaglia, University of Michigan
James Proctor, University of Michigan
James W. Swan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jen Bradley, University of Michigan
Jenny Fothergill, Boise State University
Jens Glaser, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jinny Cha, Auburn University
Joseph Berleant, University of Michigan
Joseph Burkhart, University of Michigan
Joshua A. Anderson, University of Michigan
Kelly Wang, University of Michigan
Kevin Daly, Princeton University
Kevin Kohlstedt, University of Michigan
Kevin Silmore, Princeton University
Khalid Ahmed, University of Michigan
Kody Takada, University of Michigan
Kristi Pepa, University of Michigan
Kwanghwi Je, University of Michigan
Kieran Nehil-Puleo, Vanderbilt University
Lin Yang, Iowa State University
Ludwig Schneider, Georg-August University Goettingen
Luis Y. Rivera-Rivera, University of Michigan
Malcolm Ramsay
Marco Klement, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Martin Girard, Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung
Matthew Do, Auburn University
Matthew Spellings, University of Michgan
Melody Zhang, University of Michigan
Michael Howard, Auburn University
Mike Henry, Boise State University
Nathan Horst
Nipuli Gunaratne, University of Michigan
Nicholas Cal Craven, Vanderbilt University
Pablo Zubieta, PME, The University of Chicago
Patrick Lawton, University of Michigan
Paul Dodd, University of Michigan
Pavani Medapuram Lakshmi Narasimha, University of Minnesota
Pengji Zhou, University of Michgan
Peter Palm, Leipzig University
Peter Schwendeman, University of Michigan
Philipp Mertmann, Ruhr University Bochum
Philipp Schönhöfer, University of Michigan
Praharsh Suryadevara, New York University
Rastko Sknepnek, Northwestern
Raymond Asare, University of Michigan
Richmond Newman, University of Michigan
Roman Bystryi, Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS
Ross Smith, University of Michigan
Rusen Argun, University of Illinois
Ryan Marson, University of Michigan
Sam Nola, University of Michigan
Simone Ciarella, Eindhoven University of Technology
Shannon Moran, University of Michigan
Sophie YouJung Lee, University of Michigan
Stephen Thomas, Boise State University
Steve Barr, Princeton University
Sumedh R. Risbud, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Suraj Kannur, University of Michigan
Thi Vo, University of Michigan
Tim Moore, University of Michigan
Tobias Dwyer, University of Michigan
Tommy Waltmann, University of Michigan
Trung Dac Nguyen, University of Michigan
Tzortzis Koulaxizis, University of Illinois
Vyas Ramasubramani, University of Michigan
Wenbo Shen, University of Michigan
William Zygmunt, University of Michigan
Wouter Ellenbroek, Eindhoven University of Technology
Yashraj Wani, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Yuan Zhou, University of Michigan
Åsmund Ervik, SINTEF
Nathan Barrett, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering
Domagoj Fijan, University of Michigan
Cristina Butu, Columbia University