
Hard particle Monte Carlo

HOOMD-blue can perform simulations of hard particles using the Monte Carlo method (hpmc). Hard particles are defined by their shape, and the HPMC integrator supports polygons, spheropolygons, polyhedra, spheropolyhedra, ellipsoids, faceted ellipsoids, spheres, indented spheres, and unions of shapes. HPMC can make both constant volume and constant pressure box moves (hpmc.update.BoxMC), perform cluster moves (hpmc.update.Clusters) and can compute the pressure during constant volume simulations (hpmc.compute.SDF).

HPMC can also apply external and pair potentials to the particles. Use hpmc.external.field.Harmonic to restrain particles to a lattice (e.g. for Frenkel-Ladd calculations) or hpmc.external.user.CPPExternalPotential to implement arbitrary external fields (e.g. gravity). Use hpmc.pair.user to define arbitrary pairwise interactions between particles. At runtime, hoomd.version.hpmc_built indicates whether the build supports HPMC simulations.

See also

Tutorial: Introducing HOOMD-blue

Molecular dynamics

HOOMD-blue can perform molecular dynamics simulations (md) with constant volume, constant pressure, Langevin, Brownian, overdamped viscous integration methods (md.methods), and energy minimization (md.minimize). The constant volume and constant pressure methods may be applied with or without a thermostat (md.methods.thermostats). Unless otherwise stated in the documentation, all integration methods integrate both translational and rotational degrees of freedom. Some integration methods support manifold constraints (md.methods.rattle). HOOMD-blue provides a number of cutoff potentials including pair potentials (md.pair), pair potentials that depend on particle orientation (md.pair.aniso), and many body potentials (md.many_body). HOOMD-blue also provides bond potentials and distance constraints commonly used in atomistic/coarse-grained force fields (md.angle, md.bond, md.constrain.Distance, md.dihedral, md.improper, md.special_pair) and can model rigid bodies (md.constrain.Rigid). External fields md.external.field apply potentials based only on the particle’s position and orientation, including walls (md.external.wall) to confine particles in a specific region of space. md.long_range provides long ranged interactions, including the PPPM method for electrostatics. HOOMD-blue enables active matter simulations with md.force.Active and md.update.ActiveRotationalDiffusion. At runtime, hoomd.version.md_built indicates whether the build supports MD simulations.

See also

Tutorial: Introducing Molecular Dynamics

Python package

HOOMD-blue is a Python package and is designed to interoperate with other packages in the scientific Python ecosystem and to be extendable in user scripts. To enable interoperability, all operations provide access to useful computed quantities as properties in native Python types or numpy arrays where appropriate. Additionally, State and md.force.Force provide direct access to particle properties and forces using Python array protocols. Users can customize their simulation or extend HOOMD-blue with functionality implemented in Python code by subclassing trigger.Trigger, variant.Variant, hoomd.update.CustomUpdater, hoomd.write.CustomWriter, hoomd.tune.CustomTuner, or by using the HOOMD-blue API in combination with other Python packages to implement methods that couple simulation, analysis, and multiple simulations (such as umbrella sampling).

See also

Tutorial: Custom Actions in Python

CPU and GPU devices

HOOMD-blue can execute simulations on CPUs or GPUs. Typical simulations run more efficiently on GPUs for system sizes larger than a few thousand particles, although this strongly depends on the details of the simulation. The provided binaries support NVIDIA GPUs. Build from source to enable preliminary support for AMD GPUs. CPU support is always enabled. GPU support must be enabled at compile time with the ENABLE_GPU CMake option (see Building from source). Select the device to use at run time with the device module. Unless otherwise stated in the documentation, all operations and methods support GPU execution. At runtime, hoomd.version.gpu_enabled indicates whether the build supports GPU devices.

Autotuned kernel parameters

HOOMD-blue automatically tunes kernel parameters to improve performance when executing on a GPU device. During the first 1,000 - 20,000 timesteps of the simulation run, HOOMD-blue will change kernel parameters each time it calls a kernel. Kernels compute the same output regardless of the parameter (within floating point precision), but the parameters have a large impact on performance.

Check to see whether tuning is complete with the is_tuning_complete attribute of your simulation’s Operations. For example, use this to run timed benchmarks after the performance stabilizes.

The optimal parameters can depend on the number of particles in the simulation and the density, and may vary weakly with other system properties. To maintain peak performance, call tune_kernel_parmeters to tune the parameters again after making a change to your system.

AutotunedObject provides a settable dictionary parameter with the current kernel parameters in kernel_parameters. Use this to inspect the autotuner’s behavior or override with specific values (e.g. values saved from a previous execution).


HOOMD-blue can use the message passing interface (MPI) to execute simulations in less time using more than one CPU core or GPU. Unless otherwise stated in the documentation, all operations and methods support MPI parallel execution. MPI support is optional, requires a compatible MPI library, and must be enabled at compile time with the ENABLE_MPI CMake option (see Building from source). At runtime, hoomd.version.mpi_enabled indicates whether the build supports MPI.

See also

Tutorial: Parallel Simulation With MPI


Some operations in HOOMD-blue can use multiple CPU threads in a single process. Control this with the device.Device.num_cpu_threads property. In this release, threading support in HOOMD-blue is very limited and only applies to implicit depletants in hpmc.integrate.HPMCIntegrator, and hpmc.pair.user.CPPPotentialUnion. Threading must must be enabled at compile time with the ENABLE_TBB CMake option (see Building from source). At runtime, hoomd.version.tbb_enabled indicates whether the build supports threaded execution.

Run time compilation

Some operations allow the user to provide arbitrary C++ code that HOOMD-blue compiles at run time and executes during the simulation. hpmc.pair.user and hpmc.external.user enable users to apply arbitrary pair and external potentials to particles in HPMC simulations. hpmc.pair.user supports both CPUs and NVIDIA GPUs while hpmc.external.user only supports CPUs. Run time compilation must be enabled at compile time with the ENABLE_LLVM CMake option (see Building from source). At runtime, hoomd.version.llvm_enabled indicates whether the build supports run time compilation.

Mixed precision

HOOMD-blue performs computations with mixed floating point precision. There is a high precision type and a reduced precision type. All particle properties are stored in the high precision type, and most operations also perform all computations with high precision. Operations that do not mention “Mixed precision” in their documentation perform all calculations in high percision. Some operations use reduced precision when possible to improve performance, as detailed in the documentation for each operation.

The precision is set at compile time with the HOOMD_LONGREAL_SIZE and HOOMD_SHORTREAL_SIZE CMake options (see Building from source). By default, the high precision width is 64 bits and the reduced precision width is 32 bits. At runtime, hoomd.version.floating_point_precision indicates the width of the floating point types.


Plugin code that provides additional functionality to HOOMD-blue may be implemented in pure Python or as a package with C++ compiled libraries.