How to tune move sizes in multicomponent HPMC systems¶

Set ignore_statistics in the HPMC integrator shape parameter dictionary to True for every type except for one and run the tuner. Repeat until every particle type has been the one with ignore_statistics set to False. For example:

import hoomd

simulation = hoomd.util.make_example_simulation(particle_types=['A', 'B'])
simulation.state.replicate(nx=3, ny=3, nz=3)

mc = hoomd.hpmc.integrate.Ellipsoid()
mc.shape['A'] = dict(a=1.0, b=1.0, c=0.25)
mc.shape['B'] = dict(a=1.0, b=1.0, c=0.5)
simulation.operations.integrator = mc

# loop over particle types and set ignore_statistics = True
for ignored_type in simulation.state.particle_types:
    mc.shape[ignored_type]['ignore_statistics'] = True

# loop over particle types to tune move sizes for
for tuned_type in simulation.state.particle_types:
    move_size_tuner = hoomd.hpmc.tune.MoveSize.scale_solver(
        100, ['a', 'd'], 0.2, [tuned_type])
    mc.shape[tuned_type]['ignore_statistics'] = False
    mc.shape[tuned_type]['ignore_statistics'] = True

# stop ignoring statistics after tuning
for ignored_type in simulation.state.particle_types:
    mc.shape[ignored_type]['ignore_statistics'] = False